How to Create Shareable Posts for LinkedIn

LinkedIn is considered to be one of the most professional and highly popular social media platforms where you can post your blogs easily and get it shared. But is it that easy to create such a post that is shared on LinkedIn? Probably not, but it’s not that tough either! All it requires is hard work, right pitch and topic selection and a few tricks that we are going to discuss in this post!

What Works in LinkedIn?

If the report of the Content Marketing Institute is to be believed nearly 94 percent of B2B marketers rely on this platform to distribute their content. But ironically merely half of the businesses rely on paid promotions and only 45 percent accepts these ads actually worked. Probably most of the businesses are not aware how to use this platform to reaching out their market. Let’s have a few proven tricks to create a shareable post in LinkedIn that actually can work for your business by going viral.

Speaking with Readers Directly

It’s your tone and pitch that matters! The most shareable posts must have an easy language and direct conversation with your audiences. Asking questions and replying them as an expert. Instead of suggesting you must ask directly to your reader’s question, answers to which they would like to know! You may also use industry-specific language. You need to address your audiences like a friend or a business associate instead of an authority or a business brand.

YouTube Videos Make Posts Sharable

LinkedIn is liberal with the YouTube clips. While Facebook does not encourage people to post YouTube videos even from any third-party platform, LinkedIn is open to these videos making it more shareable by everyone. As YouTube videos are played directly on the LinkedIn, readers won’t have to wait to load an entirely different page to view the video. So add these videos to make your post more popular and shareable.

Influencers and Experts Actually Helps

You can take help of bonafide influencers and experts to propel your band’s credibility and post necessary for your readers to know. For this, you may request these experts to contribute blog posts to link your business to on LinkedIn. You may also invite them to write a piece directly on the LinkedIn promoting your business. If any of these influencers are interested in writing a guest post, sharing your update with their audiences, or if they are ready to comment on your update and start a conversation with your audience nothing could be greater than this.

Display Human Side of Yours

B2B buyers and your audiences are people too. They are not just customers! They do not want consistent and boring business news every day. They want to know your human side also to connect with your brand. Be human, apart from being a business owner. LinkedIn is the right platform where you can go casual and display your human side. Instead of making it professional try adding the human touch or make it personalized. Whether you are planning to display an exclusive look of a product launch or convincing your audiences to build trust on your brand, add a human touch to it.

Share Purposeful Content

Although your ultimate goal is to promote posts that drive your visitors to your brand website, right and purposeful content is always welcome. Just remember, what helps your customer, in turn, helps your brand, irrespective of where it comes from – your website or some different source. Your ultimate goal is to provide your buyers the right and useful information and help them make the right decision in terms of online purchases. So, don’t hesitate to share a post or a news report from another blog or publication that can be helpful to your followers. Don’t deny connecting with another blog to share it with your customers. It will not only help promote other website but it will also develop a trust level in your customers. The only condition is – it should be information and educative!

Writing posts is not big deal, but writing a right post for specific platform actually matters! So friends, hopefully, you would have gotten some really cool and effective tips from this post on how to write a shareable post on LinkedIn! Happy writing!

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